Better and better
spoon by spoon!
Semper regularly invest in research on infants and nutrition. Most recently, they have collaborated with the University of Umeå on an extensive study (OTIS), focusing on the introduction of flavours and what this means for the health of infants later on in life.
Overall, the OTIS study shows that good health and good eating habits are to be established early on in life. The study also confirmed that is can be difficult for young, ambitious to manage healthy eating habits in practice. However, research helps show them how to succeed. This is because there exists a ’window of opportunity’ when it comes to taste, namely when the infant is between 4 and 12 months of age. After that, the infant becomes more suspicious of new flavours and the ’window’ closes. Today’s ambitious parents need to know about this and be provided with tools to manage the introduction of new flavours.

So, we revisited an ’an oldie goldie’ song and engaged a bunch of merry kids to revitalise the old classic ’Getting Better Every Day’ with a new sound and new lyrics, That way we could transmit the message of the OTIS-study in a popular version; ’Better and better spoon by spoon!’.
We were able to tell parents in the Nordic countries, not to worry about their child’s eating habits, in fun and relaxed way, and that the app ‘Semper STEP’ enables the introduction of new flavours, laying the foundation of better eating habits long-term and bringing good health. On top of that, these healthy eating habits are also part of the solution to the climate challenges our planet faces.

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